For the last three years senior pupils at Auchmuty High School have voted on topics they would like the chaplaincy team to cover in assemblies. Each year we have written and presented assemblies built around the three most popular topics, which have included social media, identity, rest & relaxation, spirituality, relationships and love. This year we have decided to link the three topics that were chosen (Ourselves, Our Planet and Friends) into a series on health.

God’s people in the Old Testament had a much more holistic approach to health than we do today and the Hebrew word Shalom (often translated as peace) would be used to consider health in terms of our relationships as well as our physical and mental health. For God’s people in the Old Testament “health” involved your physical and mental health, as well as your relationship with God, your relationship with others, your relationship with yourself and even your relationship with the planet. This year we want to stop and take a health check and consider what it means to be healthy in terms of our relationship to ourselves, our planet and our friends.
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